Trafford Council has today told us that they have no plans to let any mobile network install 5G antennas or masts on lamposts or buildings in the borough.

Normal 4G mast

5G is the latest technology that is said to improve internet speeds and many other things that needs the power for it to work.

The issue is over the frequency involved, this is not the same as your standard 2g/3g or 4g mast which works on a very low-frequency and a mast would normally be out-of-the-way or very high up so it would not cause as much harm, the one thing to note is all the masts we see today have all been safety tested where as 5G has not.

Remember 5G in its first part is only 3.8GHz and are often next to normal masts and sometimes inside these long grey poles, this is a trick by the networks to get councillors and others to accept the technology, and then they bring in the second installation of 5G which will be the ariels and small masts on lampposts and buildings, sneeky? you are correct so it is now for everyone to get on to the councillors and MPs to stop the second part of the 5G installation.

Masts on Man Utd roof: Pic by Darren Marsden

5G works on millimetre waves in the second part of the 5G installation, it needs an antenna or mast on a lamppost or building every 300m or so for it to work, a MM wave is very short but incredibly powerful, it is in the microwave frequency range.

The technology is focused so it needs a line of sight for it to get into your home, anything in its way such as shrubs or trees will knock the signal out, where as a normal mast has the signal bounce of the ionosphere and spreads out for around 2 miles or so.


We are sorry to have to tell you that even though we have proof that Trafford Council was to reject 5G masts they have gone behind the residents backs and now 5G is almost everywhere.

We spoke with Manchester United about 5G and did little, the problem is simply people are going off ICNIRP guidelines, and they themselves have said “Even non-ionising radiation at the higher frequencies is not safe for humans or animals.” it is now thought councillors and others have either not read the entire document or have misunderstood it.

It is also true that people everywhere in the UK who appose 5G and trying to get councillors to help, really cannot do much since this entire thing is driven by the government who themselves are also going of out dated ICNIRP guidance.

WHO (World Health Organisation) are also not really saying 5G is safe either! and who decided it was OK for starlink satellites to roam around the world? we find this very weird that every country of the world has not yet said anything about it, we know the UK government has blanked it and other media.

We are going to be doing more on Starlink soon and you will be shocked at what we have found out.