About News4Trafford


Welcome to our website.

We hope you enjoy our coverage, our service is voluntary, and our motivation is keeping you in the loop.

Our only income is from advertisements which pays for the incredibly expensive but very important email address that we are currently trying to find a solution to, if we could save a few quid maybe then we could afford something from Pound Bakery!

Over the years we have helped many people behind the scenes and we shall do the same for anyone who approaches us with a problem.

We hope you enjoy the website and if you would like to see something or if you have a story please contact us.

Editor qualifications: NCTJ level 3, passed two exams and obtained certificates, and is a qualified photographer with over 6 years at Messenger Newspapers and a portfolio as big as a 9 storey housing complex , he is a qualified football coach and has good knowledge on 100m/200m sprinting, he is a qualified Reiki healer attuned level 2 and has lots of experience and certification in first aid also he is a radio presenter on a local radio station, he includes stories from News4Trafford. please subscribe! the more people do the better chance we have of doing live streams something we feel would be a good thing for our news service and for you the reader.