
Partington Sports Village is to close this October until early/Mid 2026 so it can be refurbished and a new path created from Cross Lane Park to Warburton Lane.

The council managed to win £18.3m levelling up fund and we now are aware that more money had been obtained which brought it to £20.7m, through a Freedom of Information request the council told us the same thing although did not say anything about additional funding.

During the Trafford Council Executive they did not mention anything about Cross Lane Park of the upgraded or additional facilities or anything to do with the dreadful car parking issues.

A councillor mentioned that Partington people will need to go to the Altrincham Leisure Centre until the Partington one reopens which might not be good for everyone.

To have better facilities is a no brainer! It’s a good news story, it is hoped that a better martial arts boxing centre could be created in the newly refurbished sports centre which will be open for much longer hours than is the case now.

Although we have not yet seen the full plans the information we have obtained so far is football pitches and many of them will be on much of the green spaces on Cross Lane Park, the trim trail ripped up and a trail going all around the park will be created for walking and running.

If the plans we have seen are correct the FA (Football Association) will pay for the refurbishment of the changing rooms not the council as was mentioned in the Executive.

A planning application will be made soon on the plans for the refurbishment of the sports centre which we fully support with conditions that residents are not impacted by car parking issues and most importantly existing and new infrastructure is prioritised for residents not people from outside the area.