
Trafford MV Ladies Rugby team capped off another fine season by finishing top of the NC 2 North (West) League and earning promotion for next season.

The Ladies put in a great performance to beat Leigh Ladies away from home on Sunday and came away with a deserved 19-24 win. The win proclaimed Trafford MV as Champions as they ended the season 3 points ahead of Liverpool St Helens who finished 2nd and 11 points clear of 3rd placed Leigh.

Trafford won 12 and lost just 2 of the 14 games played during the season and picked up 13 bonus points through the quality of their play.

The game against Leigh was a tough one with only a score separating the teams at the end of play. Trafford worked hard to establish a forward platform to allow the back space to play their game. Tries came Trafford’s way through scrum half Rach Massey who scored twice, Hollie Ormsby and Sam Cooney. Two conversions were successful through Rach Massey and Lauren Deans.

This was a great result for the players and for the coaching team and the Club is very proud of the way the Ladies team and the female sector of the club has developed and grown over the past 4 years since it’s inception (which of course included the Covid break).

The Ladies can now enjoy their close season break and replenish their reserves in readiness for the challenges that lie ahead. New clubs and new targets will be on the horizon as the team will look to reach new heights.

The Club will be looking to attract new women and girls into Rugby as a sport over the summer months as the country builds up to the Women’s Rugby World Cup in 2025 – some of the fixtures being played at Sale Sharks Salford Stadium.

During the summer their will be touch rugby and walking rugby available to women and girls from 12 years of age upwards before the Ladies return to their pre-season in July.

If anyone is interested in getting involved in female rugby – whatever level or format – please drop a message and he will direct you to the female contact within the Club.