
Urmston woman goes on to lose 3 stone following Trafford’s weight loss referral scheme

Natalie Allanson (44) from Urmston, is celebrating losing 3 stone after registering for a 12 week referral from Trafford Council.

Natalie admits that she had hit a brick wall in her weigh loss journey, and was starting to feel guilty around food.

She had tried numerous diets previously and a number of different supplements, non of which were sustainable long term. Natalie had tried Slimming World 10 years ago and knew that it worked and when she heard that she could self refer for a 12 week scheme in Partnership with Trafford council she jumped at the chance.

“The hardest part for me was walking through the doors, but the support from my consultant Claire and the group has been phenomenal , they have become a second family to me. It’s not always easy but we support each other through everything and its given me my love and passion of food back.”

Natalie was also concerned about how the Slimming world plan would fit around family life and also a primarily vegetarian diet, but has found ways to eat the meals she loves but just in a healthier way, for example, just not cooking using oil.

“With ideas that are shared in group each week I have also learnt to cook from fresh and save money on what i previously spent on food before I became a member. So not only have i benefited from joining Slimming world the whole family have too”.

Natalie is now working hard to build a physically active lifestyle by trying all new activities, something that Slimming World encourages all its members to do through its unique Body Magic program.

“I heard about the local couch to 5km group Mileshy in group and i am surprised at how much i am enjoying running.”

Natalie attends Claire’s group at St. Johns Church in Flixton on Thursday night at 17:30 & 19:00. If you live in Trafford or have a GP in Trafford you may also be eligible for Slimming Worlds 12 week referral scheme. Message Claire on 07754322202 for more information.