
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called a General Election for 4 July 2024 which gives everyone in the country a chance to change direction.

On a wet evening in London Sunak came out of 10 Downing Street without an umbrella and told the nation what we all wanted to hear, although music in the background could be heard “Things can only get better” made much sense!

Many Tory MP’s were believed to be shocked at the announcement since they and almost everyone else knows to call and election so soon would be political suicide.

Labour are so far in the lead the Tories could end up being wiped out and it would be for good reason after 14-years of austerity and harming this country.

In the time they have been in charge they have all but killed off our Mental Health Service and the NHS, all the shops and banks are closing, the threat of CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency looms, they stopped HS2 that would have come to Manchester when that happened business lost millions!

During the pandemic the government communications department were all at sea and cost more business to fold.

Crime has gone through the roof, more drug dealers were made during the pandemic since police were like all of us concerned about catching the virus so hardly seen, many normal people couldn’t cope and turned to addictions which helped the drugs game in a big way.

People with Mental Health issues had no one to see, many actually committed suicide and those without Mental Health problems did the same, day in and day out they lied about the statistics never once did they mention about the use of euthanasia drugs and morphine on elderly people, the use of DNR (Do not resuscitate) was reported to be overused.

We had a cost of living crisis brought on by the useless lockdowns and war in Ukraine, although we do not believe the cost of Electric and Gas was to do with Ukraine, similarly the cost of water rising has nothing to do with Ukraine war or the price of your broadband and mobile phone bills!

Under the Tories have been ripped off more than any government in history, we have been lied to and had things taken away from us like never before and if they somehow win this election welcome fully a US style health care system and violence on our streets like never before.

They will make things difficult for disabled people and for those wanting a job even though DWP know how bad it is with job vacancies and how many people apply for a suitable job, the word ‘Suitable’ makes sense in the real world but to politicians at national level means nothing.

We have heard about the government getting people on Universal Credit (which is a dreadful waste of money) to go into bootcamps, sounds good but all it is simply a time limited job training course that again is a waste of money as people are already having to do that to get any money in the first place.

The government has also shut down many Job Centres in the process!

Strikes are a common thing under the Tories watch and the under funding of our farmers, without them where does our food come from?

New draconian laws have been passed during the Tory years most of it sneaked in through the back door under the noses of the opposition which in itself was a disgrace.

We know some people are concerned about Labour’s Starmer being the leader, the blank looks might fool some of you! You might think that locally Trafford Labour are useless and killing the borough with so many huge housing developments and doing nothing about our air quality and our roads, they also are doing very little with our Mental Health services.

This is local not national, once and if Labour gets into power Trafford Labour should then have more funding and hopefully they will fix things.

People may decide that because of Tony Blare they cannot vote for Labour, Tony Blare has no influence on Labour at all and he will never be back.

This is a big event for each and everyone of us and we all must participate in this vote on July 4th a choice to change course or to become something very similar to the US.