
An application sent into Trafford Council Planning for a change of use from a childminding residential home to a play school on Walton Road in Sale has been withdrawn.

The play school would have created 40 new places for children and some assurances from the applicant about both noise and parking.

Once known residents added objections to the idea with many complaining mostly about congestion issues along Walton Road, the issues are long standing and having more cars coming and going would have created even more problems.

Having extra cars would have also caused more parking and creating even more problems.

Noise issues have also been moderately complained about since the noise levels would have increased along Walton Road and Alston Road.

The applicant did try to ease some of the residents concerns however this did not do anything and even more people objected, having asked residents ourselves whilst many agreed that more school places are needed it was not a good idea to have a school so close to quiet residential areas and having more congestion on an already congested road was unthinkable.

Walton Road is incredibly congested mostly during peak times and has had several Road Traffic Collisions and accidents, having more cars on this road would have impacted residents.