
Yesterday (Sunday 21st of January), saw a mass cleanup campaign in Port Salford Greenway and Winton Park in Salford, Manchester. Around 50 rubbish bags were collected in just two hours.

It was forecast to rain with extreme wind; however, the weather was rather mild and lovely for the whole duration of the cleanup.

The event was joined by Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett, Salford Deputy Mayor Councillor Tracy Kelly, Salford City Roosters Rugby Club and other local councillors. The councillors and volunteers joyfully picked up and carried heavy bags of rubbish, restoring the original beauty of Port Salford Greenway.

City Mayor Paul Dennett expressed his thanks on behalf of the Council and residents for the volunteers to spare their time this Sunday morning, stating the event helps emphasise the importance of raising awareness for environmental protection. He and all the councillors looked forward to joining future events.

The day was organised by ASEZ WAO, a local voluntary organisation of young adult workers from the World Mission Society Church of God. ASEZ WAO created the ground for young adult people to participate in various environmental projects for the local community and the Earth, believing every person’s small effort will work together to change the world.